Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Sunshine on my mind!

The day dawned beautiful and stayed that way all day. After finishing my work, I grabbed my camera and jumped in the car and headed for the mountains. I wasn't sure where I was going to go, then decided to drive up to Sierra Buttes. I haven't been up to this area since last October, when I posted this. Today was so different than last year. It was warm (finally!) and sunny! Unfortunately, the road that I wanted to go to was closed due to a mudslide. So, I wasn't able to get as close as I wanted to. I ended up going back to the same spots as last year. It was so beautiful! I hiked around a little, but couldn't seem to find any better vantage points. Also, after about a mile, I decided to turn around and head back to my car. In that short distance, I saw two black bear at two separate spots - not close enough to get a good picture. I decided I really didn't want to run into them again and went back to the car.

But it was a wonderful afternoon. And to cap it all off, on the drive back into Reno, there was a magnificent sunset. The whole sky lit up in beautiful shades from pink to coral to orange and red.

I hope your Monday was great! Thank you for your wonderful comments, stars and favs lately! I haven't been responding much, but have been sprinkling stars and hearts here and there.

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