Horse with no name

Eco sister had organised a birthday treat for me, the family were all gate crashing a romantic balloon ride in the desert to watch the sun rise.

We all met at a sports stadium carpark at 5.15 and headed inland. It was pitch dark but the highway has lights all the way along it.

After a while the minibus went off road to the starting point. A coldish dark morning, went for a quick pee before our safety briefing. Our pilot was Attila the insane Hungarian, a couple of Japanese tourists went for a wee stroll and he chased them blowing his whistle.

There was 3 balloons taking off, the other 2 were multi colour while ours was just blue. The basket took 24 passengers in 4 pockets of six. When the balloon was ready Attila barked the orders and we all climbed in and he blasted a flame to heat the air and we drifted into the sky.

It was getting lighter but there seems to be a constant haze in Abu Dhabi with no clear blue skies. The sun appeared as we drifted towards 2,000 feet. The mountains to the east on the Oman border gave a dramatic view. Being frightened off heights I felt ok but as we drifted to 6,000 feet I was not coping.
I don't know if it fear of heights but I just want to jump out, even in the hills I have to really concentrate as I have this urge.

We drifted about before slowly dropping down and the dunes came alive with shadows and colour. Camels strowled without a care while sand gazelles bolted up the dunes. The light and being at height made this place magical. There was dry seabeds inbetween the the towering dunes.

The landing spot chosen we headed down, a very gentle process. Eco son and I did a wee bit of exploring as we waited for the minibus. We found snake's tracks and followed them S'ing through the sand, could not find the snake.

Back to Abu Dhabi for lunch and then the beach. On the way to the beach Eco sister took us via the local markets(Souks).
Amazing places, I managed to get a huge wooden spoon for the jam making as my old one had broken. The size of the huge cooking pots was intriguing as Eco daughter could have a bath in them, seemingly they cook baby camel and sheep whole in them.

Down to the beach to chill out. Highlight was swimming along and a stingray jumping out of the water in front of us, Eco daughter made for the shore screaming about Steve Irwin and his last moments.

What a great day, thanks Eco sister and family a great birthday.

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