
By sp33dway

poppy hats ascatterbobbin

I forgot my camera was still set to raw and to be honest I didn't realise how long it would take for my laptop to process a raw image properly. But then again I do now have 2.5Gig of ram on the work mac and only 528mb at home so I guess there's something in that. The fact that Nikon choose to format their raw images in their own special way doesn't help non-latest CS users like me either.

Unless I can so I'll opt for shooting jpeg even if I don't have any filters yet: there's something not too hot about spending all my time in front of a hot mac all day then spending my free time enjoying a hobby that involves spending just as much time underneath my radiating laptop. At least shooting jpeg is for now quicker and at least it educates me into checking my white balance properly and bracketing a tricky shot. Maybe when I stumble across a man with a dog and a copy of lightroom I may delve into this RAW mallarky properly (if I ever decide to try and do something with my picsnapping other than this) but for now it's just far too much faff for a pic a day.

This afternoon Lady Sp33d baked some muffins and sweet lemony things with the fruits of our labour from yesterday, so I spent a short while watching the Red Bull Air Race on telly whilst going through our wedding and honeymoon mementos, (a month shy of 2 yrs late but better now than never). I scrapbooked everything from chilli crab foodstall orders to LRT tubetrain stubs and I even found a beer mat from the long bar in Raffles which was the mat underneath the tiger beer I toasted to my dear uncle who passed away a week later. I remember it clearly because we fed some birds that were scrapping for the peanut scraps on the floor (the floor there is covered in monkeynut shells, something of a custom for reasons I have no clue about).

An itsy bit later, in a little bag under the bed, I found our 'Mr & Mrs wedding favours' which were made by my mum and dad. She stitched each one with more love than I can put into words and He almost developed vibration white finger typing out the hundred or so little explanations as to what the several sugared almondy things symbolised. I phoned them up to thank them again in a spurofthemomentstylee but the phone was not being answered (mum elbows deep in washing up, dad in the garage playing with the new Dremel, I later found out).

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