Sea Urchin

By seaurchin

It's not often Nick and I have a cosy breakfast together, but with the girls away and Sam unlikely to surface until midday, we enjoyed some time shoulder to shoulder before setting off for a walk. We intended to walk in Butterdean Wood, but spotted a field full of frost encrusted cow parsley, so stopped and walked there instead. It looked amazing back lit by the sun and we found a well worn path to follow for a while.

Back at the cottage Nick prepared some soup (Toulouse sausage and tomato + broccoli and sweetcorn chowder) and I made a buttermilk fruit cake. The girls arrived home with Nick's parents and suddenly we were vying for elbow space again as we sat at the table for lunch.

I think I have a cold brewing, have obediently sipped my honey and lemon and am going to recline on the sofa with a blanket or two giving BIG eyes...

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