
By PinkRose


Quite a good day today - C had a good time at nursery despite his sore arm & I got my work done.

All was going well after puzzles & bike riding around the house(!) until bathtime rolled around. I went to dress C's arm again & it was showing some early signs of infection (or so I thought anyway).

So off to the out of hours doc we went at the hospital, C in his pyjamas with milk & story in tow & me feeling decidedly like I could do without the excursion on a 2 sick Wednesday :-(

Anyway the nurse was lovely, re-dressed C's arm & said it did look like it may be getting infected but was too early to tell. They didn't want to give antibiotics out too quickly (which I approve of especially for a 3 yr old) and so we're advised to monitor & come back in 24 hrs if it gets worse.

Bake off & bed.

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