A Bit Of Fresh Eyre

By DEyre

Proper Driving

Day 3 of Roadtrip: Jiului Park Loop.

Although technically the first day of the roadtrip (the past 2 days had only been getting to the roadtrip) I'll leave it as day 3.

Nevertheless it was the first day of proper driving. And an excellent idea clear from the outset to remain in the same place for a few nights and do loops.

The first job of the morning however was awaiting the arrival of the late (thanks to the curse) Darjan and application of vinyls. And also to change the turbo nuts (ALWAYS check your nuts) as the brass ones were seemingly melting on their own accord and throughout the 2 day journey down the fated boost leak from last year was returning. All that work seemed to be for nothing until I changed the brass nuts for steel ones. Alas no more problems for the rest of the trip. Just uninterrupted and silent boost.

The day itself rain relatively smoothly initially. The roads were excellent, but the surface sometimes just...stopped. See the photo for an excellent section of this main road. And in order to get that photo I rather enjoy owning a convertible.

Lunch was a brief stop for some Langos (whatever that is) and then a bit further on for some Goulash. Proper stuff this; out in the sticks (at least that's what it feels like).

The issues came in the afternoon with the Lipguna showing problems and shredding its auxiliary belt. Fortunately it could be slipped back on nicely. Sadly it didn't last long and the amusing crash happened - apexing everything, including Dacias. The belt didn't last long after that.

This meant that by the time we got back to the main road it was dark, hence we stopped for dinner in this town that the Lipguna managed to limp down to without power steering or brakes. The meal itself was very nice smoked pork and cabbage (although a bit too much cabbage and not enough pork). The company makes the meal, though.

Returning was an issue in itself - the rain was almost as bad as that we faced through Austria, however now it was on roads with no reflective markers at all. The only chance is to follow the car in front and hope.

Upon returning past midnight the best thing to do was obviously enjoy a beer. As I say - the company makes the trip.

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