
By Memories4Me

Up Close and Far Away

Dear Diary,

I went digging around in old photo files this morning. I was thinking about my first trip to the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. It was about this time, ten years ago, that I applied for a grant that would fund the trip and my attempt to begin again with my photographic work.

Ultimately, I made two trips to the Western Isles, 2005 and 2011. This image is from the first trip. I was firmly set in the "monochrome mode" at the time. I always try to find one image, my "icon", that would represent the entire experience for me and this is the one I finally chose.

I want this image in my journal because it was the one I most remember and that I cherish. The abandoned house, the huge skies, the lack of trees, the abundant wild flowers of the machair...they all recall the place to me. This image, in many ways, brought me to my current project of photographing the little pond down the road. Every photograph I make now, began with this one.

You can see the rest of the folio here...Up Close and Far Away.

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