
By Memories4Me

I love the Autumn!

Dear Diary,

Honestly, I was going to sweep the the leaves off the walk but then I started seeing the little yellow honey locust leaves forming hearts here and there where they had fallen together. I had to go back in and get my camera to record this moment of common enchantment.

I do love the autumn. The locust leaves are falling like large golden snowflakes every time the wind blows. They dance and swirl around and it is magical to stand there letting them pepper you with their tiny bits of autumn color.

Before I started this journal I doubt I would have taken the time to photograph this little leaf heart on the old brick walk. I would have noticed it but that would have been that. Now I want to remember these moments when they occur and save them to enjoy later.

Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons.

~Jim Bishop

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