
By mar

Life is a shipwreck...

Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboat.

Most Monday's are long but today was the added bonus of a Professional Discussion that was scheduled first thing this morning. I'm sure I thought 'get it done and over with' when I scheduled this, but geez did it hurt after a week off. But the discussion went very well and leaves me with only 2 items left to do for my qualification. After, I had to go straight to my class to teach. It was hard going after a week off, but we eventually got there.

Meanwhile today has been the day Charlotte has waited for the last 6 months - the day Michael upgrades his phone and she gets his old one. We're finally in the Apple family (albeit I'm a bit of a stepchild). The Iphone is currently charging but Michael's old phone has already been cleaned and maintenance for Charlotte to use when she's home tonight after Brownies (see, I'm trying *very* hard not to mention the Rainbows and Brownies as both start new terms and I scheduled a man to come in for a puppet show for the Brownie group so now I have to stay and help. )

After my class, and before running home to start dinner I took a half hour to read my newest book in Michael's office. While I was there the amount of phone calls and people coming in was unreal. But the best was the Women's Institute of Staffordshire (or some ladies organization) calling him to schedule him in for a talk. Not only was Michael completely confused as to how they got his work number, but what type of talk they wanted as he was at work and does 'creative' work. Point for me, I didn't laugh out loud until after he hung up - but his face was priceless! I left him in a daze, me still laughing wondering what the hell just happened. (Turns out, they heard about him via the Express Star and from someone who heard him do a talk this month at a conference - still not sure if it's puppets or work, guess he'll tell me tonight).

The coffee: very much needed to survive today - that and laughing.

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