
By LifeOfNay

Clouds of sorrow

Clouds of sorrow

Pitter patter on the window,
Like little children’s feet.
Running so fast,
Falling so hard.

She howls like a wolf,
The bark bends from force.
Leaves shudder in her presence,
A fight between nature.

Bright like a star & appears from nothing,
Slivers through the sky.
Like roots of a tree,
Then vanishes.

Loud roar echo’s through the atmosphere,
A fight between the clouds.
Leaves a tremble in it’s wake,
A warning of the coming.

Dark in color,
They sneak across the sky.
With them they bring the elements,
Of rain, wind, lightening & thunder.

Wipe away,
Those tears of sorrow.
Please bring back the sunshine,
For tomorrow.

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