River of Flowers

By doffy

Robin in Merville's Garden

Another mild day and fine weather this morning. Stopped by at Merville's garden to plant a few clumps of Kaffir Lilies and some tulip bulbs which he had. The robin was very interested in what I was doing so I sat down for a while and he was busy searching for food whilst I took lots of photos.

Met up with M for lunch, bought myself an Erigeron karvinskianus - they are supposed to spread everywhere, but previous plants have died, maybe this one will be more successful?!

Had thought of picking blackberries, but they have all gone mushy. Planted up the bargain plants from a few days back and split up a large clump of Kaffir Lilies into small pots, for sharing :-)

Late afternoon and the rain has started, we are supposed to be getting a lot of rain and wind too!!

Have a lovely weekend everyone :-)

I picked 4 courgette this evening, not sure if these will be the last for this year? One of the six pears was blown off the tree, it's a pretty big one. Lots of tomatoes are still ripening in the greenhouse. Picked lots of Physalis too, shared them with Merville and our new neighbours over the road. The physalis have survived one winter, hope to keep them over this coming winter too - the fruit is very tasty!

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