
By davidc


This photo is a follow-up from my blips of the last two days, especially 2nd October's, about our meeting to celebrate the Centenary of the North of England Ophthalmological Society.

I referred there to our guest lecturer from Boston. He gave our Percival J. Hay Memorial Lecture - an annual event set up many years ago in memory of one of our founding members. Percival Hay was an eye surgeon in Sheffield and he served as Honorary Secretary of our Society from its founding in 1924 right up to his untimely death in 1943.

Each Lecturer receives a medal, engraved with the Lecturer's name. It's rather a nice medal so I thought I'd complete a trio of blips about our Society with a photo of one of the medals. This blank one hasn't yet had a name engraved on it - that will be done for next year's Lecturer who has not yet been chosen.

Best viewed large.

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