Journey Through Time

By Sue

If only....

...I could save this day. Stick it in the bank. Or the back pocket, purse, or tucked away in a drawer to pull out on a bleak, miserable winter's day and re-live this gorgeous 80 degree weather, the wispy clouds drifting across the bluest sky, and the 18 or so vultures that circled high above our house and then, riding the currents, glided by too fast for a decent image. Then we went down to the walk along the Columbia River (Vancouver, Washington USA) and joined the rest of the people relishing this summer October evening. It was remarkable and I knew those wispy clouds would put on a show. Boy, was I right on that one. We can't re-live it, except through images. At least we have those, right?

You can look at my photos, of course, and maybe eventually I will delete some of them, but I can't bear to cut them at the moment, for each image is so pretty. You will also see a really pretty silver poodle that posed for me. Her name is Sharona. Come see what our early evening was like by clicking here.

Catch ya later kids.

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