Northern Star

By Lifferz


This is possibly the smallest incense holder I have ever seen in my life. I'm trying to relax today and I am really struggling.

My mind is in very active over-drive, it has been for about 72 hours now I realise.

I am pacing around the place like a caged tiger even though I have jobs to do. I am completely restless and have finally worked out the obvious, it's because tomorrow I get some full and frank feedback on the fruits of my extra year of study from an ex-colleague. She has been reading through my work and I am hoping that she won't suggest I do anything which is really difficult or something that I disagree with. If I don't get myself into a meditative, relaxed zone soon then I may well be too tired to fully take in what she is saying. I've never felt this unsure or nervous about things before. Maybe I need some fresh air and nature.

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