"Pretend you haven't seen them, deer"

The original plan was to have a relaxed day in, but as the weather was tipped to be glorious, it would have been a crime not to make the most of it. Wall to wall blue skies again. Mr PB did a longish walk whilst I pootled around Dunwich Heath, one of my favourite places, with my long lens, in search of Dartford Warblers. It was very busy there - understandably on a glorious Sunday, and although there were lots of the birds around, they were very flighty and a long way back from the path so it was impossible to get a decent photo. When we got back to base, we decided on a pre-supper wander to see if the bird we had seen locally was showing. Again, only the briefest of sightings. Whilst we were looking, this red deer doe and her youngster watched us nonchalantly before eventually shuffling of into the gorse. Later, we saw a large herd of deer, this time with the stag, but they moved away into the low sunlight. Heavy rain forecast tomorrow, so probably a lazy day.

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