
By RobinBanneville

A Mixed Day

Strong wind and heavy rain were on the cards for this morning ... and the cards weren't wrong ...
After yesterday morning's beautiful sunrise, the only thing I could see this morning was grey cloud ... (Not that I stuck around too long make sure. Five seconds outside and I was soaked.)
But ... the rain cleared around lunchtime and the sun set visibly around teatime ... which is making it increasingly difficult for me to get out and capture it, without disrupting my evening meal ... As it was I had to put my post dinner coffee on hold for half an hour to capture this shot ... :o/
Other News:
"Candy" (the household cat and much loved pet) who, as some of you may know has been very poorly over the last few months, made her final visit to the vet this afternoon. At 17 years old she'd had a good life. But over the weekend she stopped eating completely and became too weak to even stand up on her own.
Heart breaking as it was, the kindest thing to do was to let her go ...

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