
By Surayya

Die Zauberflöte

No lessons in the morning so a lie-in was in order. Would have been perfect if a mosquito hadn't woken me up at 5 am buzzing around my ear!
Spanish test went adequately, shan't say more than that.

Had dinner with my neighbors and been revising my german vocabulary while listening to Mozart's Magic Flute. (I'm in a Mozart phase, haha) I'd forgotten how flipping AMAZING this opera is! I've loved it since I was in primary school.

I also apologize for the uninteresting photos, I just don't really take my camera with me anywhere.

Currently ordering the german film Ludwig II and the book "The Swan King" because the king Ludwig II is one of the most interesting historical figues IMO. If i could go back in time and meet ONE person it would be him! Can't wait for them to arrive!!

Really tired but lots more to learn. I think i'll finish tomorrow.

Who would you meet if you could meet just ONE person form the past? (Except Jesus, haha)


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