Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Like pixies to the wind

I've been given a day off from the long school run for Reuben this morning and it feels rather decadent. I'd normally be on the UCLA campus with Callum, peeking through the Observation Room one way mirror watching Reuben at play and work and occasionally look in the direction of the mirror, his eyes fixed pointedly at mine behind the screen, except he doesn't know I'm there. Or does he?

Callum has just fallen into a deep slumber.

On an otherwise dreary empty corner lot, brown for most of the year save a few giant cacti, sit a host of gorgeous strikingly coloured wild flowers hosting the arrival of Spring each year. The distant backdrop is the snowy San Gabriel Mts. Even LA can be amazingly beautiful at times.

Together we walk along the road, Mama carrying the little blue plastic chair for Callum to sit on and I nestle him in and amongst the Californian native flowers, semi conscious there might be snakes or else in there. The profusion of colour, an arresting sight, the scent of lavender in the air from the gardens beyond, my fingers tinkling with the remains of dandelion gone to seed, make a wish, blow, pixies fly to the wind. Every sense alive.

I've said it before, when nature is this good, why mess with it. So I didn't here. SOOC.

Here's the rest.

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