
By foxfollower

Household Gods

These are my little household gods: small objects that I keep on a shelf in my study, to remind me of those things that give me joy, and add depth and meaning to my life. Some of them have already made their debut in this journal, like the pebble and the candleholder and the panel. Others are waiting for their stories to be told. Perhaps on another day.

All the little household gods
Have started crying, but say
Good-bye now, and put to sea.
Farewell, my dear, farewell: may
Hermes, master of the roads,
And the four dwarf Kabiri,
Protect and serve you always;
And may the Ancient of Days
Provide for all you must do
His invisible guidance,
Lifting up, dear, upon you
The light of His countenance.

W H Auden, Atlantis

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