
The rains have come!
It's wet and cold and miserable.
I decided to treat myself to a medicinal hot chocolate in Costa this morning after dropping the Little Misses off.
I ordered a Belgian hot chocolate, saying "yes" when the woman mumbled something at me. I couldn't understand what she said but I did catch the words Belgian and chocolate.
She eventually handed me a spectacular looking chocolate milkshake thing smothered in whipped cream. Very nice I'm sure but not what I wanted on a cold, wet day.
She was very apologetic, made me the hot chocolate and gave me a full refund. Excellent!
I had the chiropractor again this afternoon. There was lots more agonising massaging, another nice lie down attached to the tens machine and lots more lovely deep freeze cream!
Yesterday my neck seized up completely which was good timing because she had a look at that too. Apparently my neck is hypermobile too and the muscles had all tightened up and gone into spasm.
I have lots of stretching exercises to do and suggestions for what I should and shouldn't do in pilates.
Following the chiropractor my day turned into a big long tiring snotty rush!
I had to get the Little Misses from school, get Miss E to swimming, rushing home and dropping them off with my dad so I could rush back to school to meet Mr K there for parents' evening.
Both Little Misses are doing well. Miss L has settled into Reception well, is happy, very funny and enjoying learning. Her lovely teacher is clearly fond of her and that makes me a happy Mummy!
By the time we left I was feeling incredibly rough - shivery, aching, snotty, coughing and spluttering. Nice. But never ones to turn down the opportunity for a meal out while we've got a babysitter Mr K and I went to Prezzo for dinner.
By the time Mr K was finishing his coffee I just wanted to curl up and lie down on the floor!
Home to Lemsip and bed.

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