Peter's Ponderings

By Lofty

Challenge Night

This is Clive, Andrew, John, Kenji-San, and selected representatives from the Aizu Olympus QA and manufacturing department.

We headed out for dinner to a "traditional" Japanese restaurant where we had the option of sitting at a table or taking our shoes off and kneeling in an authentic paper panelled room!

This place basically served every part of every animal every way you can imagine!

Kenji decided that tonight was my challenge night and so ordered me a steady stream of:

Soy Beans
Raw Horse
Sticky beans

... I ate all gamely, not wanting to cause offence or enforce the stereotype of the west being squeamish with food.

I even swallowed a whole sticky bean dumpling before being told that the reason the beans are sticky is that they're rotten!

By way of revenge, I have challenged Kenji to eat a tub of Jellied Eels when we're back in the UK!

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