Look Out

By chrisf

St Mary's Eccles

A meeting for much of the morning in Eccles. Finishing at lunchtime I wandered over to St Mary's to write something in the book of condolence for Allan Henning. There were some people in front of the alter lighting candles, and I had to wait for two very elderly ladies to finish writing. Opposite the church on pedestrianised Church St flowers outside the mini cab office where he used to work, and lots more around the cross at the bottom of the street. All just very very sad on a drab and drizzly morning. I just hope that this does not lead to mis-placed hatred - he was clearly someone who wanted to do some good, and some good needs to come out of this somehow.
The church, the earliest parts of which are 13th century, has no doubt seen a lot over its centuries of existence.

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