Be afraid......

very afraid!
Charlii had an operation on her leg today, so Mr U&L and I looked after Willow and Rosie after school while Arran went to collect her from hospital!
The girls were very lively, and willow in particular thought it was hysterical when I squealed because a house spider ran across my leg! I managed to catch him in a pot, and showed them his lovely boxing gloves (pedipalps) and explained how he used them when he mated with the female spider, I don't think they were very impressed though, and were quite glad when I put him safely outside!
The dogs were pleased to have the girls round, and Freddy wanted to play 'nipping ' games with Rosie, resulting in her shutting herself in the dog cage for safety.
I chose this picture for today's blip, as I thought the look of fear on Pee wee's face was so funny! she is such a silly dog, and nearly as big as Willow, so what she is pulling that face for I have no idea.

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