bucks life

By bucksmiss


I got pretty angry today. Most unlike me. Various things. Mainly the head shrink challenging me in a way that I could not cope with and I nearly lost it completely, though I managed to calm down before ruining things. But also having to travel long distances for seemingly trivial things and also finding I have somehow got a large smudge on the sensor in my camera. How on earth I’ve done that when I am so careful when changing lenses I have no idea. I’m going to have to have it cleaned before I take any more photos as the smudge is visible on all images and ruins them. That’s going to cost me I can tell.

Still, work was fine this morning and I had a nice catch up with JT over a coffee in Morrison’s at lunchtime. And the plumber did finally fix the boiler at the tenant’s house, at a reasonable price.

I watched two Game of Thrones this evening to wind down. Not sure it helped. Still, tomorrow’s another day…and I’m on a training course in London which will make a pleasant change I hope

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