
By pattons6

Sleepy time

Well, today I was rudely awoken by daddy dancing about my nursery. He had music going, blind up & curtain open, 7.30am, what was he thinking? I just wanted a nice cuddle with mummy. So daddy took me through for a nice cuddle. She getting worse than me getting up in the morning.

I had great fun at playgroup. We made autumn crafts, paintings and played outside. It was cold but sunny, so cosy hat, gloves & coat all went on. I love my hat.

In the afternoon I was at my childminders. We had fun singing songs, playing on softplay and crafts.

Tonight mummy was off out with Grandma. Grandma bought me special Sofia gloves and a purple hat to match. Well of course I had to FaceTime her to say thank you and to show her me wearing them.

Then it was off to bed, still wearing my hat and gloves of course. I bet mummy steals them during the night! Get your own mummy.

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