
The youngest boy in this picture of our oldest daughter's family was probably less than one year old when this picture was taken. Today he turns 14! I wish I could have taken a "real" picture of him as he is today, but since he is in Arizona and I am in Ohio, this is the best I can do. We called a little while ago to wish him a Happy Birthday. He doesn't only look a lot older, he sounds a lot older. Actually, he sounds older than he did when we last saw him in August. Grandkids have a way of growing up when you aren't looking, don't they? Happy Birthday, Chance. I hope it has been a wonderful one!

I would write more, but I had my first day of therapy today, and I diligently did the exercises twice more this afternoon and evening, just as the therapist said to. Now my arm is sore and all of me is tired, so this is it for tonight. Goodnight, Blippers, and goodnight, Gretchen, Rod, Jake, Alec, and CHANCE! I'm sending you a link so you will be sure to see this blip.

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