My Best Efforts - Year 3


All Change......

.........when I moved into my tiny cottage nearly 11 years ago, this was classed as a storeroom - and although very light - it was very dismal! So bad in fact, that I nearly didn't move in at all!

So I went away and tried to think of a solution - as it was, there was - in addition - a small sitting room, a larger bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom.

After many hours with a tape measure and pencil and paper, it suddenly struck me that there was no reason at all why I shouldn't change the usage - in any case, my sitting room furniture would not have fitted very well into the so-called sitting room anyway!

Next thought - why use the biggest room in the place as a bedroom? Seemed a bit silly when all I was going to do was sleep there.

It was rather a shame to have to dispose of my rather nice bedroom stuff - in the event, Anni had a bedroom she still had to furnish, so that was the answer to that problem.

So - in the end, the so-called store room has turned into a very good, if small bedroom and I really like it.

This shot was taken through the internal window in the hallway just before I went to bed.

After a not very nice day, it was a beautiful, quiet moonlit night - though the pictures I took of it weren't up to scratch - so you have this instead!

Anni off on another of her "missions" at midnight - fortunately with a colleague she rather likes. She will be back Wed. p.m.

Have a good day everyone!

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