Your stereotypical lakeland image

Today was one the days we go out without our group leader, John Gravett and we all chose to go to the same locations so we duly set out in two cars one of which was mine. As I have been to LPH on several previous occasions other members seemed to assume I would know where I was going so I had to have a quick peak at the map. Initially we went to Aira Force. On a previous occasion when we had gone to Aira Force I was unable to manage the steps and steep inclines because of my hip and I have not had a chance to go back there previously since having my hip replacement so I was quite pleased of the opportunity to photograph there. I was even more pleased with the subdued lighting as it enabled me to get an image of the falls from the viewpoint with the bridge backed by sky which with a grad had the full range of tones and no ‘blinkies’. We moved on to Glenridding and then Brothers Water and finished off the day at Kirkstone Pass by which time I was tired and photographed out.

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