Light trail

Look, I'm busy and it's late so I haven't got time to produce the usual polished write-up that has the critics swooning and the public gagging. For more. Instead, I'll give you the ingredients and let you do the assembly. Think of it as a flat-pack blip.

So, light trail like the fluorescing trace on, I don't know, a radar screen or something. Or is it a firework? Some stuff about a firework burning brightly but briefly. And then I wouldn't spell it out but I'd let you make the connection - ooh! That's a bit like Life, innit? And then I'd probably have a gag about things spluttering out. And another one about not going back to an extinguished life in case it hasn't really gone out. And another one about keeping all your lives in a tin box until you are ready to light their blue touch-papers. And then something about keeping your pets indoors and painting their names on their shells using lead-free paint. (I'd probably have drifted quite a way off the point by now). And then I'd remember about the fireworks and maybe go on about a rocket flying up and leaving the after image of a light trail which superimposes itself on whatever you look at for a few seconds. A light trail like the fluorescing trace on, I don't know, a radar screen or something.

Went to see that Pride this evening. It was very good. Manipulated the emotions very efficiently!

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