
By joshcowling11


Today is open evening at Piggott so we had a half day and all the lessons were shorter

Today I had maths which was really easy but was given loads of homework, French where we had a cover teacher AGAIN because Miss Reynolds is ill :(. Then had English where we read act 1 of the crucible and I vandalised my book ;). Had pe in which We watched a movie in the gym because of the short lesson. Finally had biology with Dr. Gage and then finally home time

Went home with Anna and her friends and literally lay on my bed till I fell asleep then I did some homework

Chilled for a bit

My picture is of my Ribena that I keep in my min fridge at the moment. Cold drink on a cold day :)


ECF music practise in which my mum forgot to put the guitar in the car so I had to use Tim Crosses rubbish one :/

Pe homework


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