Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Thank you all so much for your comments yesterday. This is such a great community with special people.

Got a visit from 2 nurses from the hospital this morning. They were convinced that I had a bug and 'get better soon. We'll phone you tomorrow' they said. A 10min visit that normally lasts 1hour. They didn't address my mental state. Having not seen anyone all week it left me feeling very despondent.

The day got worse, I couldn't stop shaking, really dizzy, got really sweaty and then freezing. Slept for a few hours and woke feeling much the same.
I phoned the GP and got a cancellation for this afternoon . I stumbled up the road feeling very dizzy, seeing double of everything.
GP was horrified that I have been taken off these tablets so quickly, normally should happen over 2-3wks; mine was over 6 days. All the withdrawal symptoms he reeled off I have.
He took my temperature and blood pressure; all ok.
He strongly advises me not to start the new tablets tomorrow.

As I stood up to leave I fell. The receptionist brought me home. I had to have a shower sitting down as the sweat was dripping off me and I couldn't stand. I have now taken a diazepam to stop the tremors and want to sleep .

WF, thought of three positives; good GP, nice rainbow to look at from window and as you said the sun was shining!

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