Carpet day

The carpet layers arrived at 8am and I finished sorting the house at 8pm. No wonder I'm back-blipping the next day.

It looks great. I nailed my choice of colour and the underlay is a revelation to my feet. Nice

I made the guys scones, did a spot of gardening and sort of cleaned the kitchen (careful navigation required with stuff from the carpeted area sharing the space). At 2.30pm I started the first of a marathon vacuuming effort and the traipse of stuff back in from the garage began.

There was a wee moment when I discovered they'd stuffed one of my new curtains through a narrowly open window, rather than hang it over coat hanger. The hanger had broken and instead of asking me for another, through the window it went. Of course it had grimy dark gunge on it. All apologies and a very effective citrus based cleaner later and they're fine. Phew! I did think there might be another insurance claim...

A couple of mates helped late afternoon. Extra hands make all the difference. The fisher-hunter arrived with little left to do. He supplied gourmet burgers and beer and we celebrated the new carpet.

Then I fell asleep.

A few things are left for me to sort today. At 9.30am they're well underway and all going well I'll be chasing sea run trout later in the day :-)

New carpet reveals skirting board issues. In places I have 'tide marks' of old paint prior to my quake repairs. Hopefully these will be taken care of at the same time when scuff marks are, but for now it's the pleasure of completed carpet.

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