...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Bird Doodle and...

a snack. Mid-afternoon slump. Too late watching the figure skating. The Olympics Rock!!! I had a lot to do in the morning, then one hour before time to 'clock out', dead, both work load and me!

I doodled a bird, sort of, and ate some trailmix, drank my water, worked on my to do list for tomorrow, filed some papers and it was time to close it down!!!

I did get some good news today...my first book cover has made it to print. Not my favorite, and I don't do the teen line, but for some reason I did get to do this one, and I am not a fan of physics, at all, but it is what it is. This is it, if you want to take a peek!!! I am excited, we will see how it goes. I should start seeing more come through to finish, then they will be up on the website. In my profile I wrote that my goal was to get art published. Even though, I didn't take these photos, I designed the layout and letter style, so I guess I did it!!! Will have to enter a new goal. Hmmm! How fun!!!

Happy Wednesday...off to church for a $2 dinner. You can't beat it!!!

All the best...thanks for looking in on me...I am still kickin!!!!

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