
By Carscribe

The watcher

A chill out, catch up kind of day. A few household chores, and a lot of battery recharging. No not the electric car that I have been driving recently. Me.

We had a lovely surprise this morning, when my daughter opened a letter from her university - Birkbeck London - to learn that she has been awarded the Arthur Summerfield Prize, given annually to an undergraduate student of psychology who shows special promise in the first year of study. It's a great achievement for someone who studies part time in the evenings while working full-time by day in a demanding, fast-paced job. Very proud of her.

Morning rain turned to afternoon sun, and a chance to nip out and plant a couple of shrubs that I have been meaning to add to a restyled front shrubbery. Hopefully they'll get off to a strong start in the freshly soaked soil.

A young fox has been prowling around the garden, looking for anything edible to grab and make off with. He has been a source of fascination for our Pointer, who has been glued to the French windows, watchful and quivering with excitement.

Now for a coach potato Saturday evening. Bliss after a manic week.

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