The saga of the lost voice

My house is rather green. Which is okay because I like green.

This is the lamp outside my back door. I like that too.

After yesterday's sneezes and asthma, today my allergies kicked in with a vengeance.

I awoke full of snot and with an extremely painful throat. I called our 'relief guy' to tell him that I wouldn't be coming in to school and suddenly discovered that I'd actually lost my voice.

Long story short. I've been lying on the couch all day, faithful hound by my side (acting as a foot stool at times).

Thanks to JL for taking Cousteau for a walk and for giving him a wash when he rolled in something nasty.

Thanks to N for cooking me tea.

Off to bed now. I'm amazed I lasted til 9 pm.

Hope I'm better tomorrow.


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