such, such were the joys.

By Chaps100

Bake Off Party.

This evening was the final of the Great British Bake Off. After tonight my life will be lacking Mary Berry for another year. Anyway, because today is probably the most important date in the TV calendar I had to have a party: obviously

The ongoing 24 saga continues: 6-3 in fact. Not in my favour. My theory is that the difficulty ranking on the card very much plays to Mark's advantage (that's me on the right of the photo and him on the left). My strategy is usually to find the easiest way to do something, hence I win most of the easy cards, and then find it much harder to tackle my way through the harder ones without constantly reaching the same dead end. His approach is the opposite. Which means that at the end of the game, even though I have more cards than him, his add up higher than mine. And I lose. And it's sad.

Back to Bake Off. None of us were pleased with the result. Maybe Nancy did deserve to win in the final, but throughout the series, not at all. And despite Richard winning star baker five times, everyone seemed to forget those weeks where he nearly left. I wanted Louis to win. And I still think he should have. I could go on and on about this so I'm going to stop before you stop reading. Apologies.

Overall, today was an extremely lovely day. I also won at a game of darts against Mark and Callum so I felt pretty good about that considering I couldn't throw one to save my life. My friends also made some pretty 'rad' (possibly my favourite word at the moment) brownies which were a Paul Hollywood recipe. Extremely tasty. In a choice between food and everything else, I'd totally pick food.

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