Misty dawn at Munlochy Bay, on the Black Isle. Up and out early. Cool out there. Circa two to three degrees C. Could have done with more layers, and thicker gloves, especially when speeding down the hill, and out of the village.

Lecturers and Students finished today, for the October break. Demob happiness was in the air, especially with some sunny weather out. Sunny, aside from one hefty shower that I was on the fringes of, for most of the cycle home. Had I left on time, I'd have made it home bone dry. Too much dithering about... as ever. A few more of those twinges in my back, as I tried to outrun the worst of the dark cloud following behind. We lesser souls, will be at work next week, and enjoy the (brief) opportunity to tackle various tasks without constant interruptions!

(Edit: Well that was a shock. Just heard that this has hit the Spotlight... albeit just in at the very tail end! My first ever Blip to do so, out of 1,413 entries, at the time it was uploaded. Don't know how the Spotlight thingy works, as at the time of hearing about it, the entry had had only 20 views. Many thanks to all that put it there! (12th October 2014))

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