Well, I Never!

Never tried Bird's Custard Powder, that is! A while back a blipper mentioned Bird's and sang it's praises. I just filed that tidbit of info away in my back brain. The other day I was perusing one of our local grocery store's 'International Aisle' (that's right... just one aisle), when there it was! Yes...a can of Bird's Custard Powder. So I purchased it and made some for dessert. Prep was a snap, after I 'translated' the word 'Hob' to stove I was off and running. Kept the sugar to one Tbs, instead of two and garnished the finished treat with Fresh Sliced Strawberries, Whipped Cream and a sprinkle of Cocoa Powder to finish it off! I figured those final embellishments were acceptable because right there on the label is written...'You Make it Special'!

I've never had custard made of corn flour. Egg custard has been my 'go to', especially Flan...(I'm from Miami, so I kinda grew up on the stuff), but I must say that I enjoyed it very much. So thank you my blipper friend...I look forward to sharing this British Delight with my friends here in north central florida!

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