Lot's of Yellow

Nearly everything I pointed my lens at this morning was Yellow. Honey Bees, Bumble Bees, Tall Yellow Flowers, Yellow Butterflies and a Yellow Classic. The quandary, of course...which to share with you in my Blip. This Clouded Sulphur Butterfly, Colias philodice, won the Honor coin toss! And here's the runner-up...a 1980 Chevy Corvette belonging to my friend Tiny, who very accommodatingly parked her in from of those lovely yellow flowers for this shot.

And, if you would like to see a series of photos I took on our Safari last month of a Cheetah Family hunting just take a look...HERE. We sat in our vehicles for almost an hour, watching a female and what we think were her four youngsters. She appeared to be directing their movements as they attempted to surround the wildebeests and zebras. You can see her looking to the left and to the right several times, monitoring the young cheetahs' movements. They did not make a kill while we watched, and ended up regrouping on a mound of sand to rest in the sun.
There they most likely spent the rest of the day, preferring to hunt at dawn and dusk.

Interesting Cheetah fact: Cheetahs don't have retractable claws. This makes it very difficult for them to climb trees. Their feet look much more like a dog's than a cat's.

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