Cuidado, Ms Froggy

As the sun rose this morning I found this small, probably female and young, green frog sitting in the middle of my rain garden, under the bird feeders. Being a bit concerned for her safety and well being, I struck up a conversation with her. Yes...I talk with frogs. Didn't she know that she was easy pickings for the local predators...owls and hawks are especially fond of early morning hunting, shouldn't she be about hip-hopping back to the relative safety of the pond? She sat there for a while, apparently trying to decide what her next move should be. Then she hopped off, but in the opposite direction of the pond! Maybe she does this every morning and I've just never noticed her...maybe she's especially fond of the big juicy flies the dogs' poop attracts. Whatever! Cuidado, be careful, my little froggy friend!

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