BeGoggled Bee

A personal challenge lately, to capture a really nice Bee In Flight photo, another day it goes...unrealized! You wouldn't think that it would be that difficult, right? Just attach your favorite bug/really small thing lens, ramp up you shutter speed, switch that baby on the 'High Speed Continuous Shot' mode and shoot away! Whoa, not so fast pilgrim...needless to say I have not posted one, no not one, Bee In Flight blip!

I scored quite a few decent 'out the side window of a vehicle traveling on African Roads at 45 mph' shots lately. And I've gotten somewhat adept at reasonably crisp 'Bird on the Wing' photos, but this Flying Bee Thing eludes me! Not one to give up even somewhat easily, I will continue my quest to catch a Bee in Flight! Here are a few of my
'attempts'... or this one;)

I do like this Bee in Goggles though, even though it's sitting perfectly still!

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