
By mar

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince ...

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.
~Adelle Davis (1904 - 1974)

That was the best we could do tonight for dinner - kebab meat with an apple. However, Charlotte has 3-4 fruit servings every morning, at least a banana or something for lunch and *usually* 2 veggies for dinner... except for this week.

Today started way too early. Thought Michael had to be at train station at 8.15 which was bad enough, until I found out it was actually 7.45. Ouch. But we managed. I was suppose to teach IT today, but instead was asked to teach Teaching Assistants (following from the meeting last night). I didn't mind, just needed to juggle a few things first - but it all worked out. So well that they asked me to teach it again next week.

After, I went into town to get some errands completed, but not before stopping by the new Subway that opened in the High Town. Yummy - but not too healthy. Oh well.

After picking Charlotte up from school, ran home to grab her swimming kit and went to our friends for a bit before swimming. She has 3 young kids and a dog so things are always maniac there but tonight even more so as one of the kids tried to eat/swallow perfume (she was fine though) which lead me getting Charlotte to swimming late so she had to swim with the next class. By this time, preparing for dinner was the last thing on our mind so when Michael called and offered to pick something up, we jumped at the chance - even if it was kebab meat and a fish cake which was delicious.

But we insisted she eat the apple - there has to be some boundaries in the decay of child's healthy eating. We do have some standards.

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