Dubrovnik Day 3: Jaw-Dropping

Sunny and hot today :-)

The rep had warned everyone that the Old Town is best avoided between 10am-4pm because up to 35000 people descend on its narrow streets - most of them from the cruise ships. Whilst it was interesting to watch the cruise ships come in and out of the harbour across from the hotel, it was a nuisance trying to avoid getting caught up in large groups following a tour guide.

So, I walked in today and made sure I was there for about 9am. I can't begin to describe or do justice to just how incredibly beautiful the old town is. Few things take my breath away, but when I came in through the main gate at Pile, I must have stood and just gawped open-mouthed for a few minutes - completely taken aback by the place.

Such a shame it's so clogged with large groups and lots of people though. I wish I was staying closer so that I could wander around the narrow streets really early/late and have the place more or less to myself.

I left about 10.30am as it was getting too busy and, had lunch on the roof terrace of the pizza place, got covered in white fur and dribbles courtesy of the World's Friendliest Cat at the hotel and then proceeded to get bitten by monster mozzies in the hotel garden.

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