
By Nigel


I took a trip to the botanics and decided I would visit the Glasshouse. Armed with tripod and fully camera kit I paid my £5 and entered. It is very warm, indeed one would expect that from a giant tropical greenhouse. What I wasn't prepared for was that the cold October air outside had chilled my lenses and they steamed up within seconds of being cleaned. I decide that I will walk around one way and then on the way back I will have an idea of what I want to shoot and maybe my lenses will have adapted to the heat. Except that half way round you come out of the paid Glasshouse and into the free Glasshouses and have to walk all the way back to the main entrance to get back in. By this time I was hot and bothered and the pain was starting to niggle at my hip so I came out with very few photos but well prepared for next time.

Most of the afternoon was sent on the sofa alternately chilling my achilles tendons with frozen peas and warming my hip with a heat pack. I managed two episodes of Gotham (which is turning out to be better than I expected) and several games of Fifa. Once I was feeling better I went out to the shop for a bottle of wine but forgot my keys, meaning I had to trudge all the way to the high street t get Jens from her at work.

So an absolute arse of a day after such a promising start, better luck tomorrow hopefully...

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