Speedy blue car

It was a grey, cold and wet day and I didn't have much inspiration for photos either. I took four photos and this seemed the best of the lot... I need more practice with this panning stuff, I think...

Work has been really busy for a Monday. It must have been because of the dreich weather.

I went to Calumet after work to enquire about my camera, but it was closed. I'll phone them up tomorrow. If they haven't heard anything from Canon yet, I may call Canon directly myself, we'll see...

Nothing really exctiting to tell you today, I'm afraid.

If you have time and you're curious about the photos I took in Barcelona, feel free to click on the following links:

Colour shots

Mono shots

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars on my sunset shot yesterday! I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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