SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip

Let there be warmth... and light!

Boring blip day 2...

normality not yet resumed still feeling lousy :-(

These two utility boxes are significant right now... 1 i've just got the winter bill for (oh goody, actually its not as bad as I thought it would be especially as I have had the gas fire on!) and the other the meter has to be replaced as its apparently reached its lifespan!!!

Now I didn't know they had 'life spans' but apparently ours is at its end and if we don't have it replaced it could effect the efficiency of it which it in turn could infuence our bill. Mmm ok (maybe the fact I was £25 in credit last quarter has put the eebie jeebies up them! or maybe it really doesn't take that much leccie to power a laptop!)

This little episode has been going on since the beginning of December... when I received the letter I duly rang them to arrange a time for them to come and replace it... February the 3rd... so like a sad act I stayed in all day on the 3rd even rang them to confirm they were coming... couldnt give a firm time but we were on 'the list.' They never arrived... so 45minutes on the phone a lot of negotiation later... rearranged date 26th of Feb... tomorrow!

They better turn up...

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