Simply Me

By Suze981

All work...

I've had a particularly long day today. I'm still not well and I felt awful this morning, but I couldn't phone in sick today.

Last January I devised a programme of events around health inequalities throughout the life course. I pitched the idea and got funding to undertake them. I've planned and delivered the series and today was the last event.

This is an article that I wrote for The Herald that accompanied the last event in the series on health inequalities and later life.

It's an agenda piece in The Herald, and you can access the full article here if you fancy a read!

I'm now at home after a busy day knackered. I have an important meeting tomorrow and so found I had to work tonight too. What do they say about all work and no play? Anyway I'm about to head off for an early night, hopefully I'll be feeling better in the morning!

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