Crummock Water from above

Stayed in bed as long as I could. Woke in a much better frame of mind. Had a fabulous day!

Day Two at LPH. The group split into two and seven of us went to Loweswater. First we climbed the hill opposite to get a view from the top but the contrast of the sky made photography difficult, still got some interesting shots though. After an hour we went back down and round the end of the lake. In the afternoon the sun was beautiful and we spent a lovely time along the shore of the lake. We didn't want to leave but decided to set off back so that we could stop at the other end of Crummock Water. We parked sooner than we planned and SueT and I climbed the hill to get this view from the top. Beautiful views! A fabulous day and another great evening of viewing photos.

This is SOOC.

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