Hey do you mind

Nick off.
I have a new toy a 75-300 mm lens, so today I had to go into town a hole 5 minutes a way I stopped off at the lake front and nearly killed some baby ducklings didn't see then so after a few photos with the new lens which I didn't really need to use as they were right there, mum didn't seem to care they kept huddling together as mum didn't want to be near them thy looked cold poor little mites bad mum.

popped into the shopping super market feeling quite happy that I have a blip for the day, on the way home I saw the Grebe hanging around the boats so I stopped to see what was going on beside a lot of nest building one pair had decided that a boat would be a good place for the nest , yes they were definitely building a nest IN the boat won't that owner be surprised, another pair are building one under the Pier, and these 2 on the shore, hey get it right you 2 it didn't work last year so why is it so different this year, must be slow learners. Well there's a bit of hanky panky going on, o.k now that done back to nest building.

By the way I got loads of photo's of the Grebe a bit of a struggle deciding what one to use

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