
By rachelsmarathon

A rather horrible few days.

I have missed a couple of blog days this week as I suffered a rather nasty reaction to the antibiotics I've been taking for the last couple of week. The reaction seemed to build up over time and came to a head on Tuesday when I literally felt my brain was going to explode. Luckily a trip to hospital was avoided as I had no immediate childcare for Wilf. Anyway since stopping the antibiotics my head has started to recover and fingers crossed I'll be back to 100% by Sunday. A special thank you to mum who dropped everything to come and help with Wilf so Rob could go back to work. Everyone needs their mummy when they are poorly!

As I was feeling much brighter today we headed off to Burford garden centre this morning. We meet a friend of mum's for coffee and Wilf enjoyed the playground. :)

We have still to reach our £1000. The last few days have made me even more determined to finish on Sunday, so please do sponsor me!

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